Ricky Thomas Gordon
Ricky was born and grew up in Abbeville, AL, a country town of about 4,000. He received a B.S. and M.A. from AuburnUniversity. He married Sarah his senior year at Auburn. They moved to Decatur, AL after graduation where Rickytaught Speech Communication at Calhoun State Community College for ten years. He has published three books in Englishwith two of them translated and published in Japan. In addition to pastoring Living Way Church, he teaches Englishat three universities in Shizuoka and performs weddings for a local wedding chapel. In between semesters he leadsmission teams on trips to Indonesia and other countries. He received a M.Th. degree from Christian Life Schoolof Theology in 2004.

Sarah Pippin Gordon
Sarah was born in Panama City, FL. Her father was transferred frequently so she lived in various places in the Southbut spent ten years in Asheville, NC before relocating to Dothan, AL during her high school days. She graduatedfrom The University of Alabama in Birmingham with a B.S. in Physical Therapy. After marrying Ricky in 1973 sheworked for Alabama Crippled Children’s Service for two years before moving to Decatur, AL and working at DecaturGeneral Hospital. She received a M.Th. degree from Christian Life School of Theology in 2004. Before getting marriedSarah wanted to have 12 children and be a missionary in a foreign country.